Saturday, May 19, 2007
News, news, news
So, no pictures yet, but this is an exciting post anyway because it's FULL of news.

Eli made the final at his most recent world cup, placing 16th overall. That brings his world ranking to 12th and current standing in the 2007 World Cup Series to 28th. He will compete in Warsaw next week, and hopes to make the final there, as well.

I started my new job as Regional Director of American Heart Association last week. I LOVE it already! I will be doing fundraising, development and implementation of the Gala (Heart Ball) and Go Red For Women events.

Eli's brother Justin and his wife Ali stayed with us for about a month while he finished up his last rotation of med school with a local doctor. It was WONDERFUL to have them around, and the house seems really quiet now without them around (Eli's still in Europe). Justin graduates from Kansas City Health Sciences Medical School tomorrow--we're really proud of him.

Speaking of graduation, my sister Marianne graduates from high school next week. I can't believe it! It seems like yesterday that I took my baby sister to show and tell in Ms. Reese's second grade class! I am proud to say that she's officially now a Bulldawg--I'm sure she will carve her own path out at UGA.

I think that's it for now, sorry I don't have any pictures!